how are the echocardiography images made
Echocardiography Textbook
The patient does not need special preparation for echocardiographic examination, there are no contraindications. The choice of transducer frequency depends on the patient's physique. For obesity, it is better to use a sensor with a low frequency (2-2.5 MHz), because in this case, it is important to achieve high penetration (depth of ultrasound penetration). In patients with an average build, it is better to use a transducer with a frequency of 3.0-3.75 MHz. In pediatrics, a 5 MHz transducer is often used, in newborns at 7 MHz.
High frequency provides high resolution, but reduces penetration. In adults, the optimum scanning depth is 16-20 sm. The higher frequency allows you to explore more superficial structures.
Our simulator has a standard frequency of 3.5 MHz.
All cardiac transducers have a small surface that fits easily between the ribs. The transducer has a marker that helps to orient the ultrasonic beam correctly.
The examination can be performed from any position where optimal visualization of cardiac structures is obtained. The patient lies on his left side. The left hand is positioned under the back of the head, which expands the intercostal space, increases the acoustic window, and simplifies examination.
When examining from the suprasternal approach, to improve visualization, a pillow is placed under the patient's shoulders and the head is turned slightly back and to the side.
For user convenience in our simulation patient is in a vertical position.
The study is carried out with free breathing. Deep breathing can distort the echocardiogram.
A special gel is used to improve contact.
In echocardiography, mainly next techniques (Modes) are used: Two-dimensional echocardiography, One-dimensional echocardiography, Color Doppler, Pulse Wave Doppler, Continuous Wave Doppler, Tissue Doppler.
User can Simulate all the basic Modes by Echocardiography Online Simulator
- Two-dimensional echocardiography (B-Mode)
- One-dimensional echocardiography (M-mode)
- Color Doppler
- Pulse Wave Doppler (PW)
- Continuous Wave Doppler (CW)
- Tissue Doppler (TDI)
How to Turn On Echocardiography Online Simulator?