Trans tricuspid diastolic flow spectral doppler
Echocardiography Textbook
The best position to study trans tricuspid diastolic flow by spectral Doppler (PW, CW) is the apical four-chamber view. In this case, the flow is more parallel to the ultrasonic beam. The control volume is placed at the level of the end of the open leaflets of the tricuspid valve.
Normal transmitral flow occurs only in the diastole phase. In 50-65% of cases, physiological regurgitation is observed on the tricuspid valve.
The flow is towards the transducer, is recorded from the top of the baseline, and is biphasic.
- E - Early diastolic filling.
- A - Atrial contraction.
How to Simulate Trans Tricuspid Diastolic Flow (PW and CW mode)?